Training Efficient and Effective Cash Flõ Decision-Making

My goal is that you always have your money flõ to the things most important to you.
To do this, you must follow the golden rule of cash flõ...
Watch It, Manage It, and Most of All...ENJOY IT!
-Karol Lunsford, CFP®, MBA
Securities and Advisory services offered through Geneos Wealth Management. Member FINRA, SIPC.
A Pension Strategy That May Boost Your Income
A strategy called pension maximization may enable a married pensioner to elect the higher payments of a single-life annuity while also providing for the spouse’s financial future.
Would You Be Prepared for an Unplanned Early Retirement?
Nearly half of current retirees retired earlier than planned. Here are some steps to help prepare for the unexpected.
A Mortgage Recast Is an Alternative to Refinancing
When a mortgage is recast, the borrower puts money toward the principal balance of a home loan, reducing the monthly payment.
Financial Safety Nets: Exploring Available Sources of Emergency Funds
Nearly 60% of U.S. adults are uncomfortable with their level of emergency savings. Here are some potential ways to access funds.
Cash Flow Analysis
This Cash Flow Analysis form will help you weigh your income vs. your expenses.
Savings Goals
How much do you need to save each year to meet your long-term financial goals?
LTCI Cost of Waiting
Estimate the potential cost of waiting to purchase a long-term care insurance policy.
Credit Card Debt
How Long Will It Take to Pay my Balance?